The mudflats at the head of Loch Erisort, Lochs, Lewis, Western Isles, with a small wooden fishing boat at low tide in winter golden hour.
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- File Name: SNY9317.jpg
- File ID: 2965
- File Type: JPG (image/jpeg)
- File Size: 21.51 Mb
- Dimensions: 7469 x 4982
- Collections: Outer Hebrides Rights managed premium Small-scale fishing
- Keywords: alga algae and Balallan boat boats Britain British coast coastal costa cote craft Erisort Europa Europe European fish fisher fisherfolk fisheries fishermen fishery fishing Great Great Britain habitation Harris Hebridean Hebrides island islands Isle Isles kingdom lake lakes Lewis Lewis and Harris loch Lochs low macro marine mudflats Ocean of out Outer Pairc productive rowing Scotland Scottish sea seaweed settlement south tidal tide tides township UK united vessel vessels village water Western
- Licenses: Rights managed Royalty free