Almost like a still life, this hut accommodates fishers at Loch a’ Chlachain, on Lewis’ Pentland Road, seen at morning golden hour.
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- Dimensions: 7952 x 5304
- Collections: Outer Hebrides Rights managed premium Small-scale fishing
- Keywords: a a' Chlachain alba albero and blanket bog boggy Britain British buildings Chlachain damp dawn Europa Europe European fish fisher fisherfolk fisheries fishermen fishery fishing forest forestry freshwater golden golden hour Gramineae grasses gravel Great Great Britain Harris Hebridean Hebrides hour hut huts island islands Isle Isles jetties jetty kingdom lake lakes Leòdhais Lewis Lewis and Harris loch mist Mòinteach moist moor mooring moorland moors muir of Outer peat Peatlands Pentland Phentland plant plants Poaceae rathad a' road Scotland Scottish stone sunrise tree trees UK united Western wood woodland woods
- Licenses: Rights managed
- Creator: Christopher Coles