Sunset over The Minch in the North Atlantic in late summer at the Butt of Lewis, Ness, Western Isles
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- File Name: SNY9076.jpg
- File ID: 2516
- File Type: JPG (image/jpeg)
- File Size: 23.29 Mb
- Dimensions: 7952 x 5304
- Collections: Outer Hebrides Rights managed premium
- Keywords: and aquatic aristotelis aves avian bird birds Britain British Butt cliff cliffs coast coastal cormorant cormorants costa cote Europa Europe European Great Great Britain Gulosus Harris Hebridean Hebrides island islands Isle Isles kingdom Lewis Lewis and Harris Ness of oiseaux old old world Outer Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax rock rocks Scotland Scottish shag stack stone uccelli UK united vertebrate water waterbird waterbirds Western world
- Licenses: Rights managed
- Creator: Christopher Coles