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White-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) feeding on willow blossoms in late spring on a croft on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland.
Quick ViewFemale green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi) feeding on a cuckoo flower (Cardamine pratensis) on the lawn of a croft, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewThree female common goldeneye ducks (Bucephala clangula) swim together in golden light on a winter loch, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewLandscape format image of a wheelbarrow full of willow cuttings in front of a wooden shed door, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewTwo otters swimming on the surface of a loch with an attractive pattern of concentric ripples resembling a painted image, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewCarboard mulching layer in a fenced croft garden in preparation for the creation of no-dig compost vegetable beds, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland.
Quick ViewYoung female of colour laying compost vegetable beds on a croft on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewA traditional two-storey croft house and fence line in deep snow, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewSong thrush (Turdus philomelos) perched on a rusty bed frame on a croft on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewA croft gate and corrugated iron shed covered by a heavy snowfall, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewWillow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) in a willow tree, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewA first brood female green-veined white (Pieris napi) sunning itself on old bracken fronds on a croft on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewA crofter and his dog work in deep snow in the foreground of a wintry panorama over the township of Tom an Fhuadain, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewA minivan and horticultural supplies stacked outside a traditional two-storey white croft house, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland.
Quick ViewA ram’s skull on the stone walls of a ruined crofting settlement with a sea loch in the background, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewAdult common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) with a bill full of large grubs pauses outside the nest hole on a tiled roof
Quick ViewAdult male common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) postures as it calls from a fence post on a croft on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewMale house sparrow (Passer domesticus) with a bill full of insects perched on a wooden gate
Quick ViewAdult pied wagtail (Motacilla alba) feeding in a thawing muddy field following snowfall, Norfolk, England
Quick ViewClose-up of a green olive tree with dew and spider’s webs on an autumn morning, Umbria, Italy
Quick ViewA highland cow with lopsided horns in warm winter light on Dartmoor, Devon, England
Quick ViewStruan Cottage, a traditional thatched Hebridean blackhouse and outbuilding near Sollas, North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewAdult greylag goose (Anser anser) in machair grassland on the Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Quick ViewMale Reeves’ muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) deer feeds on a leafy green arable crop in a large field, Norfolk, England
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