An adult song thrush Turdus philomelos perched on the fence of a croft garden in the township of Gravir, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
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- File Name: sony_7952_export-102.jpg
- File ID: 2006
- File Type: JPG (image/jpeg)
- File Size: 25.18 Mb
- Dimensions: 7952 x 5304
- Collections: Environmental portraits of wildlife Farm nature Outer Hebrides Rights managed premium
- Keywords: agriculture and aves avian bird birds Britain British croft crofting crofts Europa Europe European farm farming Grabhair Gravir Great Great Britain Harris Hebridean Hebrides island islands Isle Isles kingdom Lewis Lewis and Harris Lochs of oiseaux Outer Pairc Passeriformes passerine Passerines philomelus Scotland Scottish smallholding song south thrushes True Turdidae Turdus uccelli UK united vertebrate Western
- Licenses: Rights managed
- Creator: Christopher Coles